Vale of York residents invited to make self-care pledges for health exhibition
Vale of York residents are being invited to contribute self-care pledges to an evolving health exhibition in York during Self Care Week 2018 (12-18 November).
NHS Vale of Clinical Commissioning Group is hosting the exhibition, and wants members of the public to sign pledge cards detailing ways in which they can improve their health and wellbeing. These pledges will be added to the display as they are made.
The display - which will be hosted in the foyer at West Offices, Station Rise, throughout Self Care Week - will also feature information about how people can take steps to improve their own health and wellbeing, with leaflets, postcards and other educational material available.
Self Care Week is an annual campaign organised by the Self Care Forum to raise awareness about the benefits of self care and what people can do to take care of their own health. The theme of this year’s Self Care Week is: choose self care for life.
Dr Kevin Smith, NHS Vale of York CCG’s Executive Director of Primary Care and Population Health, said: “During Self Care Week we are inviting the residents of the Vale of York to make health-related pledges which will be displayed on our evolving self-care exhibition at West Offices throughout the week.
“Ways to embrace self care include being active, eating healthily and learning when you should self-treat common illnesses and injuries – many of which can be treated at home by resting and using over-the-counter medicines from your local pharmacy.
“Making little changes for the better now can have significant and long-lasting benefits to your health and wellbeing in years to come.”