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Oral Health

World Oral Health Day 2023

We have collated the below resources produced by Department for Health and Social Care, Public Health England and National Institute for Health and Social Care Excellence which may help you support the oral health needs of residents in your care setting

Click this link to view informative session delivered at the Care Connected Forum in November 2022, which provides guidance on how to assist the oral health of residents in your care, which may be helpful to show or cascade to staff. The session covers why good oral health in important, how to prevent disease, how to assess the mouth and plan and record mouth care, how to support with delivering daily care (including for those with a learning disability, dementia or at end of life), denture care and accessing dental support. The slides from the session can be accessed through this link.

As part of World Oral Health Day 2023 we encouraged providers to raise awareness of the importance of good oral health by taking part in a fun quiz to test their knowledge, and support further conversations about how we can support high quality oral health for those in our care. Pictured above are some of the care teams from across North Yorkshire and York taking up our challenge! To access our quiz please follow this link.

Funded Oral Health Training Available to North Yorkshire and York Care Providers

Harrogate District Teaching Hospital's Oral Health Team have been commissioned by North Yorkshire Council and City of York Council to provide a programme of provide a range of free oral health training for the adult social care sector. There are three sessions which are available to all providers and staff groups across North Yorkshire and York. Each of these sessions last 1 hour and are delivered virtually through Microsoft Teams.

For the latest dates, queries and to book your place please contact

Stay Smiling Mouth Care e-Learning for Care Staff

The Stay Smiling programme provides video-based mouth care training that has been codeveloped by Kings College London with care staff and dental experts.

The full e-learning programme is available at: Once you sign up as a free member, the Stay Smiling programme can be found in the members section.

If the video files for your own training presentations? please contact

The Quality Nursing Team offer face to face Oral Health training to all providers. For more information please contact

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