Patient Education
- Structured Education
- National Diabetes Audit Codes
- The following codes are used to capture the NDA data, please could ensure these are used in your practice and that your coding staff are aware of this as this information normally comes in letters from the diabetes service.
Codes for structured education used for National Diabetes Audit |
SNOMED code |
EMIS | SystmOne |
1. Referral for structured education | 415270003 | 8Hj0 | XaKGy |
2. Diabetes structured education declined | 306591000000103 | 9OLM | XaNTH |
3. Did not attend diabetes structured education | 306861000000107 |
9NiA | XaNTa |
4. Attended* diabetes structured education | 413597006 | 9OLB | XaKHĂ |
5. Diabetes structured education completed | 755491000000100 | 9OLF | XaX5D |
* Where a structured education course consists of more than one session, and the patient only attends some of the sessions then, enter a Read Code of attended.
If the patient attends all the sessions and completes the course enter a Read Code of completed.