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We are now part of the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership. Click here for more info.

Useful Links & Resources

Resource Information

BDA The Association of UK Dietitians

Care Home Digest

The Food Services Specialist Group and Older People Specialist Group of the BDA are proud to have worked with the National Association of Care Catering to develop the first menu planning and food service guidelines for care homes for older adults, to support residential and nursing care homes to provide high quality food and drink services for residents in their care.

The guidelines provide information and tools that care home managers, nursing staff, carers and catering teams can use to understand how to ensure that menus meet residents’ nutritional needs, together with guidance about how food service delivery can both enhance mealtime experience for residents and support them to meet their nutritional needs.

The full, printable PDF version is available online

Social Care Workforce Support Hub

Fed up with trying to find the latest information that will help you recruit, retain and support your workforce?

The Social Care Workforce Support Hub for North Yorkshire and York is a free to access local system owned platform that provides a one-stop-shop that connects with the latest workforce guidance and support for registered managers and their management teams.  It also contains a discussion forum where providers can network, share good ideas, ask questions.  To join up, just complete the registration form or scan the QR code.


The site is endorsed by City of York Council, North Yorkshire Council, Independent Care Group, Skills for Care, Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership.

Social Care

Skills for Care An independent charity working in the social care sector, who provide guidance and courses to help recruit, develop and lead high quality staff
Independent Care Group Representative body for all independent care providers within North Yorkshire and York. Aims to help providers give the best possible care to their patients, and works alongside local authorities and ICB’s to share the views and concerns of providers.
Infection Prevention Control The team work with organisations to help achieve compliance with the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and to achieve the CQC registration requirements. They offer advice, produce guidance, workbooks and audit tools and further bespoke training.
Digitising Social Care

National website providing dedicated  advice and support to the care sector on technology and data protection to the sector. They also produce a monthly newsletter which you may find helpful

North East and Yorkshire "Better Security, Better Care" Team

Provide access to training and support to providers in completing the Data Security Protection Toolkit. To contact the team, please email:

DREaMS Team The DREaMS Team have been established hosted by East Riding of Yorkshire Council, but covering across Humber and North Yorkshire to work with and support providers in digital care initiatives. Many care providers will have also received an introductory call from them, but they can also be contacted direct and provide advice and signposting on a variety of issues including digital care records, Wi-Fi/connectivity, DSPT and NHS Mail among others. To contact the team you can call 01482 396622 or email
North Yorkshire Sport North Yorkshire Sport is a registered charity and the Active Partnership for North Yorkshire and York. They use sport and physical activity as a driver for positive change to help tackle barriers to being regularly active, such as health, deprivation, training and employment and disability in order to build stronger communities. The team can work with an support care providers to assist you in delivering high quality and person centered activity for those in your care, and have a wide range of resources, activity ideas and links to opportunities to get active in your local community.  Further information on how they can support you can be found through their website
NICE Field Team: Supporting Implementation of Guidance The National Institute for Health and Social Care Excellence field team is available across the country, to support providers in putting their guidance into practice. They engage with organisations and networks in local areas to inform and facilitate implementation activities. They also gather feedback to help inform all aspects of our work and share examples of good practice, including in social care. For further information- please follow this link.
Queen's Nursing Institute Care Home Nurse Network

The Care Home Nurses Network is a jointly funded initiative by the Chief Nursing Officer England, the Queen’s Nursing Institute and the RCN Foundation.

  • Would you like to be part of a national network of nurses working in the care home setting? 
  • Would you like to learn from and listen to the latest research, best practice, innovation and policy? 
  • Do you want to feel energised and motivated by the network?
  • Do you want to use your voice and get involved in the work the QNI does, to represent your discipline within Nursing?

To join the online network, please register through this link and choose the “Care Home Nurses Network” as your area of interest.  You can also sign up for email updates from us and join other QNI networks. You can also join their Facebook forum for Care Home Nurses where you can network, ask for advice and get support from fellow nurses. The group holds regular meetings and has a newsletter for members.

Queen's Nursing Institute IPC Champions Network

The Queen’s Nursing Institute has launched a new infection prevention and control (IPC) scheme for nurses and their colleagues working in adult social care settings. The new IPC Champions Network builds on measures already in place to maintain and continuously improve standards across the care sector. Lessons learned from the pandemic will be rolled out through the network to help minimise the future spread of infections, including COVID-19 and flu, to protect people living in care homes and receiving home care. The champions will share best practice through a series of virtual meetings, a newsletter and discussion forum.

The Network will is open to frontline social care staff responsible for infection prevention and control in their specific areas or homes. To join the Network, please follow this link. 

Nurse LifeLine

The  Nurse Lifeline Charity is the first national, free, confidential, peer-led listening service in the UK run by nurses and midwives, for nurses and midwives. This initiative was developed by nurses and midwives, for nurses and midwives and as  a peer-led listening service, provided space for those in need to offload and chat with someone who gets it.

The Nurse Lifeline volunteers are there to reduce isolation within our professional community, together. To find out more about this service please visit their website or follow on twitter at @nurse_lifeline. A poster is available through this link which you can display. To access the service please call: 0808 801 0455.

CONNECT Club Do you have any staff from another country or have arrived in the North East and Yorkshire since 2022? The CONNECT Club launched in November 2022- and will provide an opportunity to come together for 30 minutes every month for anybody working across health or social care in our area. This will include updates about support available, a chance to make friends with others who have arrived over recent years and share how things are going for you. For more information please follow this link.
Project Choice- Supported Internships

Project Choice is a Supported Internship for young people with learning difficulties/disabilities and/or Autism. Health Education England work with them over an academic year to develop their employability skills and interview skills. They also work with them to job search and support them through job applications and interviews. The young people complete 3 x 12 weeks work placements, working alongside a workplace mentor and weekly support and progression visits from a member of Project Choice staff. They are always looking at organisations who would be interested in working with them to host a work placement. Further information can be found through the below resources.

Palliative Care for People with Learning Disabilities

The PCPLD Network brings together service providers, people with a learning disability and carers working for the benefit of individuals with learning disabilities who have palliative care needs. As well as resources and podcasts they have a wide range of webinars available to support providers.

National Institute for Health Research (ENRICH Programme) A programme of support designed to assist care homes wishing to get involved in research.
University of York (Social Care Policy Research Unit) One of the country’s leading study centres who work to produce regular social care research.
Advice and guidance

Yorkshire Ambulance Service- Supporting Information for Care Providers

These slides are designed as a resourced for care provider staff of all levels, including as training for new starters. They are a useful guide for what to expect when calling 999, 111 and PTS services (including around waiting times, who will take your call, what to mention and what paperwork to have ready) as well when to call each of these.

What is a Pressure Ulcer and Moisture Associated Skin Damage?

To mark International Stop the Pressure Day 2022, colleagues from York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust shared these slides as part of a refresher session- covering the causes of pressure damage, signs to look out for, categorisations, difference between pressure damage and moisture and how we can prevent and respond to them for those in our care. The slides from this session can be accessed through this link.

Suicide Prevention in Care Homes- Webinar Recording and Resources

The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities and Yorkshire and Humber Clinical Networks recently held a webinar to launch the publication "Promoting Emotional Health and Wellbeing and Preventing Suicide: A Resource for Care Home Settings". The resource has been developed  to offer further information and best practice advice around prevention of suicide, intervention with those at risk and action to take following a suicide (postvention).                                   
A recording of the webinar is available here- Please note: there is a content warning for this recording.

Additional resources which were shared in the chat during the session are listed below:

NHS Campaign Launches to Help Recognise, Treat and Stop Dangerous Constipation in People with a Learning Disability

Constipation can be a life–threatening issue for people with a learning disability who are at heightened risk from complications if it is left untreated. These resources have been created to help prevent, recognise and treat constipation in people with a learning disability. They are designed to be printed and used in home or care settings, facilitating conversations about constipation, and hopefully leading to swift treatment and improved outcomes for those people with a learning disability who are experiencing constipation. Resources are available to support people with a learning disability, their carers, and people who work in primary care.
For more information please click here.         

Awareness of Swallowing Difficulties- Training Video for Care Homes

Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust's SALT team have produced a video training session on awareness of swallowing difficulties. The team provide the community nursing service across the Scarborough, Ryedale, Filey, Whitby and Pocklington patch. This 30 minute video is appropriate for carers and registered nurses, and would also be beneficial to kitchen staff and people who are new to care work. The focus is on awareness of swallowing difficulties and the steps prior to diet and fluid modification, and references the a care home swallowing pack. 

Care Home swallowing pack

ICS Dysphagia management checklist

Hypothermia- Recognising and Prevention

As winter approaches and given the rising costs of energy, we are mindful of the risk the hypothermia can pose to the vulnerable in our communities in the coming months. Please find through this link a set of guidance from NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB which may be helpful to providers in recognising and preventing hypothermia for those in your care. It details the most at risk groups, symptoms to watch out for and how to respond should you suspect some has hypothermia.

Working Together to Reduce UTI Prescribing

Work is taking place across to reduce antibiotic prescribing for UTI's and the "Do Not Dip" project. You may see changes in how your GP Practice responds to a UTI building on this work. Further information can be found through the presentation slides, but key messages include:

  • If antibiotics are used when they are not really required bacteria can develop resistance. There were an estimated 55,000 antibiotic resistant blood stream infections in the UK in 2020, which can easily spread in care settings. They can also cause harm where used inappropriately, with links to stomach/bowel upside and infections such as C. difficile or MRSA.
  • Many older people have bacteria in their urine anyway (around 50% of over 65's and an almost 100% with catheters). A dipstick will detect this and test positive, even if it isn't causing an infection. Practices have been asked to diagnose UTIs based on clinical signs and symptoms in the over 65s and those with catheters rather than using a dipstick test.
  • We can work together to reduce inappropriate UTI prescribing, including by giving any antibiotics exactly as prescribed, and not doing a dipstick test or dropping in a sample unless requested by a clinician.

For any questions on this project- Please contact:

UTI's: To Dip or Not to Dip?

The Community Infection Prevention Team have produced their latest bulletin covering whether to use dipsticks to aid diagnosis of a urinary tract infection (UTI).

Whilst this test has some diagnostic value in those who are aged under 65, it becomes more unreliable when the resident is over 65 years of age. In fact, residents over 65 years of age are more likely to have bacteria present in their urine which is not causing any infection. This is called asymptomatic bacteriuria. By 80 years of age, half of older adults in care, and most with a urinary catheter, will have bacteria in their bladder/urine, but not have a UTI. The bacteria in the bladder produce an enzyme which turns nitrates into nitrites which shows as positive on the dipstick. The positive dipstick result happens if the person has a UTI and if they have asymptomatic bacteriuria so does not help you diagnose a UTI if the person is over 65 or if they have a catheter.

Cooking with Confidence for Dysphagia

A new series of videos are being launched delivered by Nestle in partnership with renowned dysphagia chef Gary Brailsford, to provide support to providers in perfecting textured diet recipes. Across the series they will be providing top tips for preparing and presenting meals for IDDSI levels 4, 5 and 6. From menu planning to ideas on how to change up traditional texture modified potato or present the perfect dessert, they will be covering a range of topics to help you feel confident in getting mealtimes right for those in your care with dysphagia. To view the introductory video please follow this link.

Dementia and Older People's Mental Health- Guidance for PCN's and Care Homes

This resource has been created by South East Clinical Delivery and Networks and discusses the role of primary care networks (PCN's) and MDT working in supported deliver enhanced care in care homes. This comprehensive guidance is designed for both PCN/practice staff and care home staff. The topics covered include how to support MDT working, the importance of structured medication reviews and identifying and supporting residents with a range of mental health needs including dementia, delirium, anxiety, psychosis and walking with purpose. 

Getting Informed, Getting Prepared


The Social Policy Research Unit at the University of York have developed Getting Informed, Getting Prepared. This is a website features videos and guidance for those looking fund their own their or the care of others, including animations on who to talk around meeting the cost of care and looking for care.

Central Alerting System (CAS) Alerts This is the national alert system to warn providers of safety alerts. For information on how register please contact
Controlled Drug Incident Reporting

Incidents and concerns involving controlled drugs should be reported to the Local Controlled Drugs Accountable Officer (CDAO). This is in addition to your usual incident reporting processes. Reports to the CDAO are made online at

React To React To is a series of resources produced by NHS England and Improvement designed to help care homes undertake quality improvement and staff training. As well as the React to Red and React to Falls programmes which have been rolled out across North Yorkshire and York. There are also React resources for mositure, feet, infection and norovirus.

Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care Awards- Nominate Your Team!

The Chief Nurse Awards are an opportunity to recognise the outstanding contribution made by social care staff, and celebrate those who go above and beyond in their work, provide outstanding care, commitment and inspiration to colleagues. As well as being able to nominate individual staff members for a gold and silver award, there is now also the chance to nominate your team! The criteria for the new team award is:

  • Recognising creative, innovative and effective team approaches.
  • Demonstrates high level of performance, capability and commitment that goes beyond what’s expected.
  • Demonstrates commitment to users of services through outstanding person-centred care which is recognised and supported by family, friends, or colleagues.

Further information on the award including the nomination criteria can be found through this link. We would encourage providers to have a think about staff meet these criteria and deserve recognition. We're happy to support with any nominations, and if you submit an application please copy us in so we can also celebrate the outstanding work undertaken everyday by care staff in our area..

Contacts for Incident Reporting

To report any patient safety concerns regarding York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, please email This will allow the Trust to continuously receipt, acknowledge, and investigate these concerns.


To make a complaint or to highlight any concerns regarding Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust, please email Please find through this link a template which you are able to complete, which will ensure they have all the information required to investigate.                                  

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