Partners in Care Bulletins
To keep our Partners in Care updated with all the latest development in health and social care, we produce a weekly bulletin circulated to all care homes and domiciliary providers across North Yorkshire and York as well partners from across health and local authority who work with providers. The bulletin is a collaborative effort shaped by the news and updates providers have told us they would like to hear. The bulletins include national updates including around guidance change, as well as local updates from services who work with providers, opportunities to get involved in pilots and quality improvement programmes, training and workforce updates, and good news stories and updates from local care providers.
If you would like to sign up to receive the bulletins, contribute an item or make suggestions about what you would like to see in the bulletin please contact
Missed an edition? All previous bulletins are available below
2025 |
February |
Adult Social Care strategy consultation Adult Social Care strategy questionnaire Adult Social Care strategy (accessible version) NYC Language skills for Health and Social Care |
January |
2024 |
December |
November |
Yorkshire and Humber regional international recruitment hub |
October |
September |
Risk Notification Return Guidance tool Risk Notification Return form |
August |
July |
June |
May |
April |
March |
February | |
January | |
2023 |
December |
November |
October |
September |
August |
July |
June |
May |
April |
March |
February |
January |
Other Care Provider pages
- Improving Hydration in care Home Residents
- Recognising and Responding to Deterioration in Residents
- React to Red
- React to Falls Prevention
- Hand Hygiene and PPE
- Oral Health training
- Nutrition
- Partners in Care Prompt and Information Cards
- Digital Care Telemedicine Service for Care Homes
- Capacity Tracker
- Conferences and Webinars
- Care Connected
- North Yorkshire and York Care Provider Olympics
- Alerts for Care Providers
- PERSON Approach
- Useful links and resources
- Student Placements
- Registered Nurses in Social Care
- Research