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The CCG has has commissioned Qwell for all adults aged 19+ across the Vale of York to support people with their emotional wellbeing and mental health.

It is a free, safe and anonymous mental health and wellbeing service. There are no waiting lists, no referrals and no thresholds required to access the service, which is accredited by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and delivered by Kooth plc, the UK’s largest digital mental health provider.

The service encourages peer-to-peer support via moderated discussion forums and self-help through reading or submitting content. However, Qwell also gives people the opportunity to access online counselling from qualified counsellors who are available from noon to 10pm every weekend day and from 6pm to 10pm at weekends. People can drop in for one-to-one instant text-based chats or book a session in advance.

Qwell sits alongside existing mental health services, to provide an alternative, safe and confidential way for adults to access emotional wellbeing and early intervention support for a wide range of issues. The service can be used by your patients and staff teams.

Click here for digital assets to help promote the service.