NHS Vale of York CCG announce appointment of new Lay Chair
Local health and care commissioners in the Vale of York have announced they have selected a new Lay Chairperson for their Governing Body. Keith Ramsay, currently the CCG’s Lay Member and Chair of the Audit Committee, will begin his three year tenure on the 1 April 2015.
Keith succeeds Professor Alan Maynard whose office expires on 31 March 2015.
Dr Mark Hayes, the CCG’s Chief Clinical Officer said: “Professor Maynard’s expertise, impartiality and probity have played a crucial role in the CCG’s ability to achieve its strategic aims and objectives.
“His scholarly prowess coupled with the recognition he has earned as a lead authority on health reform and economics have helped to give the CCG a national platform.
“The CCG will certainly miss working so closely with Professor Maynard but it looks forward to moving ahead with its plans under Keith’s guidance and expertise.”
Talking about taking up the seat as Lay Chair, Keith Ramsey said: “I am honoured to take on the role of Lay Chair.
“I have had the opportunity to meet with many CCG staff members and it is clear there is a commitment to deliver the local vision of the best in health and wellbeing for everyone.
“I will be working closely with the Executive Team and Governing Body members to build upon this work and create even more platforms for open, honest conversations about local health and care services with the community.
“As the Governing Body lead for Public and Patient Engagement, I will continue with Professor Maynard’s work to reach out to the Vale of York community to collect their views and ensure that work continues to use to help shape decisions about local health and care services.”
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