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Mental health services in the Vale of York

If you need to access a mental health service, or have a loved one who might, it's important to know what's available to people living in the Vale of York. All of the following services are free to access and readily available.

Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust (TEWV)

Crisis Team

People of all ages can contact their local TEWV crisis service. The phoneline is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and will make it easier for people to access help in a mental health emergency.

Telephone: 0800 0516171

Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT)

For anyone who feels they need extra support, the York and Selby Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) service, otherwise known as Talking Therapies, is one of the many services available to people in the area. It’s open to anyone aged 16 or over, registered with a GP practice in York and Selby, who is experiencing mild to moderate symptoms of anxiety or depression.

Treatments and therapies vary according to individual needs but may include face-to-face virtual wellbeing sessions or computerised cognitive behavioural therapy (cCBT). If you’re experiencing low mood or anxiety as a direct result of COVID-19, York and Selby IAPT also have a specific course to support you. 

Telephone: 01904 556840




The Haven @ 30 Clarence Street

The Haven @ 30 Clarence Street offers out-of-hours mental health support to anyone aged 16 or over in York and Selby. They are located at 30 Clarence Street and are open 7 days a week (weekdays 6pm-10pm, weekends 12noon-10pm).

Telephone: 07483141310





People aged between 11 and 25 in Hull and East Yorkshire, North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire, and North Yorkshire can register to use Kooth - a free, anonymous online counselling and emotional wellbeing service which can be accessed using a computer, smartphone or tablet device.

Kooth is accredited by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and users can have one-on-one online sessions with qualified counsellors, receive and provide peer-to-peer support through moderated online forums, and read and contribute articles.




Qwell is a free, online mental health and emotional wellbeing support service for men living across the Humber, Coast and Vale area.


Men aged 18+ living in York, North Yorkshire, Hull, East Riding, North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire can register to use Qwell for Men – a free, anonymous online counselling and emotional wellbeing service which can be accessed anywhere using a computer, smartphone or tablet device.


Over 19s

People aged over 19-years-old who live in the Vale of York access Qwell for free and anonymous online emotional support. You can drop in or book one-to-one online chat sessions with experienced counsellors from noon until 10pm on weekdays and from 6pm until 10pm on weekends, 365 days a year.



NHS 111

Contact NHS 111 if you are not able to speak to your local NHS urgent mental health helpline and you need help urgently for your mental health, but it's not an emergency. NHS 111 will tell you the right place to get help if you need to see someone.

Telephone: 111


Every Mind Matters

Having good mental health helps us relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more. The Every Mind Matters website has expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing.



Emergency Services

If you or others are in immediate danger of serious harm (for example, if someone has taken an overdose) call for an ambulance immediately. Give as much information as possible to the operator and be as clear as you can when giving your address and telephone number.

If there is a risk of physical violence, or if the person is at risk of self-harm or of causing harm to someone else, it may be necessary to contact the police.

Telephone: 999

The Samaritans

The Samaritans offer a 24-hour confidential telephone helpline. You can also contact them via email or write to them.

Telephone: 116 123

Textphone: 08457 909192

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