Local community invited to CCG’s fifth Annual General Meeting
Members of the public are invited to NHS Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group’s fifth Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday 20 September.
The local community is invited along to hear an overview of the local health and care system’s operational and financial performance during 2017-18.
The AGM will take place at 2-3pm on Thursday 20 September at the Priory Street Centre, Priory Street, York, YO1 6ET.
The CCG’s AGM is one of several ways that patients and members of the public can get involved and have their say.
If you wish to ask a question or raise a matter at the 20 September AGM, you must submit your enquiry by no later than 12pm on Monday 17 September.
Please send your enquiry by email to valeofyork.contactus@nhs.net
Alternatively, you can send your enquiry by post to NHS Vale of York CCG, West Offices, Station Rise, York, Y01 6GA.
Dr Nigel Wells, Clinical Chair of Vale of York CCG, said: “I’d like to invite members of the public to the CCG’s AGM on 20 September to hear an overview of the work carried out during the 2017-18 year.
“The meeting will reflect on the previous year’s performance of both our local health and care system and the CCG’s work as lead commissioner for the area.
“I hope members of the public are able to attend the AGM to hear about important work that has taken place and to ask questions.”