Have your say on the research and treatment of acne
The Acne Priority Setting Partnership (PSP) wants your help identifying the unanswered questions about acne treatments.
Acne is an incredibly common skin condition. In the UK alone, over 3 million teenagers and young adults suffer with spots or acne. On top of this, the prevalence of acne in people over 25 is increasing, especially in women in whom it is often linked to hormonal abnormalities.
The Acne PSP is an initiative that was launched in 2013 by the Acne Academy in collaboration with the James Lind Alliance. The aim of this initiative is to put people with acne and treatment providers at the centre of deciding priorities for acne treatment research.
Acne is still seen by many as a condition we have to ‘live with’ and ‘grow out of’ but this is absolutely not the case. The Acne PSP is asking everyone whose life is affected by acne and people involved in treating it to think about what's wrong with existing treatments and what improvements they’d like to see.
The second stage of the Acne PSP has been launched. This involves identifying the ‘Top 10’ from a shortlist of 30 questions submitted by patients, carers and professionals made up of the most commonly identified questions. This is YOUR chance to choose THREE questions about acne treatment which you would most like to see answered by new research.
Click here to access the shortlist.
Click here to access the voting form.
Finally, for more information about the whole process please go to www.acnepsp.org.