Carers Week Quest: Be part of something big
It is estimated that almost 1 in 10 of us is currently caring for an ill, frail or disabled family member or friend.
The nature of caring means that often people don’t identify themselves as carers. Rather, they think of themselves simply as wife, husband, son, daughter, mum or dad helping a loved one.
The Carers Week Quest, supported by NHS Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), is a new initiative launching this week in a bid to reach out to the thousands of carers who are missing out on support and services.
Dr Mark Hayes, Chief Officer at NHS Vale of York CCG, said: “Carers can feel isolated and cut off from their local community and this can have a devastating effect on their emotional and physical health.
“We are keen to encourage individuals and organisations to come together to improve how carers in the Vale of York are supported.
“Using our networks and expertise, we want to help our community understand that we all have a role in helping to improve the lives of carers and the people they care for. We will be talking to GP practices across the Vale of York to highlight the vital role they have to play in identifying carers and signposting them to support, advice and information.”
The CCG is also working in partnership with local authorities to review the End of Life Care strategy for the local area. The CCG has developed a survey to learn more about the perspectives of carers or family members who have looked after someone in the last year of their life. The survey is available online:
Dr Mark Hayes added: “We appreciate that this is a difficult topic to think about but it is hoped that your support in completing the questions will help us in the future with organising care and support for people who are at the end of their life.
“At the end of the survey we’ve provided some information on who to contact for support if this raises difficult issues for you. The responses given will be collated and published in the summer, and will inform how future planning takes shape.”
The local Carers Centres which cover the Vale of York CCG area are holding a number of activities during Carers Week 2014 – please click here for a full list of activities.
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