It's natural to feel anxious during times of uncertainty. See the 10 simple things you can do to maintain your mental wellbeing and deal with anxiety about the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
Mental wellbeing while staying at home
Find guidance, advice and tips on how to maintain your mental wellbeing if you need to stay at home.
Struggling with anxiety?
Anxiety is something everyone experiences at times, and feeling anxious is a perfectly natural reaction to some situations. But sometimes feelings of anxiety can be constant, overwhelming or out of proportion to the situation and this can affect your daily life. The good news is there are plenty of things you can try to help cope with anxiety - find out more here.
Having trouble sleeping?
If you're having sleep problems, there are simple steps you can take to ease those restless nights. Find out how to get to sleep and how to sleep better.
Stressed out?
Stress is something everyone feels at times, and there are all kinds of stressful situations that can be a part of daily life. Low-level stress can even be helpful or motivational.
There are plenty of things you can do to help cope with stressful events, and simple steps you can take to deal with stress. Learn more now.
Feeling low?
Feeling low is a part of all of our lives at some stage. Everyone feels upset, sad or disheartened from time to time, but for some of us it can be a real problem. The good news is that there are things you can do to improve your mood.