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Be part of the conversation: Date set for the first CCG Primary Care Co-commissioning Committee meeting

NHS Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) invite you to its first Primary Care Co-commissioning Committee meeting.

The meeting, which is open to members of the public to observe, will be held on Thursday 17 September at 10am at West Offices, Station Rise in York.

Simon Stevens, the Chief Executive of NHS England, announced on 1 May 2014 that NHS England was inviting Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) to expand their role in the commissioning of primary care services (the day-to-day health care given by a health care provider, e.g. your GP).

Dr Mark Hayes, the CCG’s Chief Clinical Officer, said: “Co-commissioning is one of a series of changes set out in the NHS Five Year Forward View. It should give us more influence over the wider NHS budget and enable local health commissioning arrangements that can deliver improved, integrated care for local people, in and out of hospital.”

The potential benefits of co-commissioning for the public and patients include:

• Improved access to primary care and wider out-of-hospitals services, with more services available closer to home

• High quality out-of-hospitals care

• Improved health outcomes, equity of access, reduced inequalities

• A better patient experience through more joined up services.

Dr Hayes added: “The CCG’s submission to apply for full delegation of primary care co commissioning has been agreed by NHS England and the CCG is now working with NHS England to take forward its plans.

“Members of the public are warmly invited to attend and take an active role in the meeting by putting forward a question to the committee in respect of the business of the meeting. All items and questions must be submitted in advance of the start of the meeting.”

All items and questions must be submitted in advance of the start of the meeting. If you would like to submit an item or question to the committee in advance, please phone email by 5pm on Monday 14 September.


17 September 2015 at 10.45am to 12.15pm

Auden Room (GO47), West Offices, Station Rise, York YO1 6GA


Prior to the commencement of the meeting a period of up to 10 minutes will be set aside for questions or comments from members of the public who have registered in advance their wish to participate in respect of the business of the meeting; this will start at 10.45am.

For members accessing papers electronically the number of enclosures is indicated if there is more than one.

1. Welcome and Introductions Verbal David Booker
2. Apologies Verbal David Booker
3. Declaration of members’ interests in the business of the meeting Verbal All
4. Terms of Reference To Note Enclosuresx2 Rachel Potts



5. Boundary Changes - Dalton Terrace and Escrick Surgeries To Approve Enclosuresx7 Shaun Macey








6. Primary Medical Services (PMS) Uplift To Note Enclosuresx2 Shaun Macey



7. Primary Care Infrastructure Fund To Note Enclosuresx3 Shaun Macey




8. Primary Care Update To Note Enclosuresx2 Constance Pillar



9. Next meeting: 17 December 2015, 10.45am To Note Verbal All
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