30 April 2020 PLT
Today would have been the sixth Protected Learning Time (PLT) session at York Racecourse. It would have been an opportunity to take an afternoon out of general practice to meet colleagues, network and share learning.
Please find on this page a number of short videos and some of resources that would have been shared with you on the day. There is a particular focus on personal resilience and a message from our keynote speaker – international best-seller Kathryn Mannix.
Watch a short video clip from Dr Nigel Wells, Clinical Chair, NHS Vale of York CCG.
Surviving and thriving:
In order to survive and thrive in work and life you need a variety of positive coping strategies that you use on a daily basis. Unfortunately during COVID-19 you may have found that some of the things you normally do to maintain your wellbeing are no longer possible – your dance class, a trip to the cinema, a coffee or beer with a friend.
So, in order to maintain your wellbeing you may need to do things differently and use alternative strategies. To think more about your wellbeing and how you survive and thrive in work watch this short film or take a look at the resources on this webpage http://www.theartofmedicine.co.uk/creative-arts-resources/collections/resilience/
Keynote speaker: International best-seller
At April’s PLT we had invited up Dr Kathryn Mannix, author of international best seller ‘With the end in mind’, to come and talk. You can watch a short video by clicking here.
Dr Kathryn Mannix trained and worked in palliative medicine for 30 years in the North of England, in hospices, patients’ homes and in hospital palliative care teams. After waiting her whole career for the public understanding of dying and mortality to become more realistic and less terrifying, she was eventually driven to write a book about dying. ‘With the End in Mind’ unexpectedly became an award-winning, international best-seller.
Kathryn says: ‘We have forgotten what dying looks like. The rise of medical technology has improved life expectancy and changed both where we die and what we die of. The process of dying has become unfamiliar to the general public and also to those of us who serve them in the health professions. The information gap is filled by hearsay, horror stories and soap-opera drama, and people don't know that these depictions are inaccurate. The gentle, recognisable and manageable process of dying should be a public consolation, but instead we have fear and avoidance.
As we work towards better advance care planning, we have been overtaken by the coronavirus pandemic. Never has advance care planning been more appropriate. It's time to talk about dying.’
Health and wellbeing support
There are a range of national wellbeing support offers, designed to help all NHS staff take steps to maintain their physical health, mental health and overall wellbeing. this includes online peer to peer, team and personal resilience support, including through Silver Cloud, and free mindfulness apps including Unmind, Headspace, Sleepio and Daylight. We hope these resources help your teams find reassurance and guidance.
Mental Health Services: IAPT update:
The National IAPT team have advised that all IAPT services do not offer any face-to-face appointments during this time. Therefore, all clinical sessions will be delivered remotely, either via telephone or video conferencing.
Our usual assessment processes remains in place via telephone or video conferencing to ensure our referral pathways remain open and responsive during this time.
GP’s can refer as usual and for self-referrals:
- Telephone 01904 556820
- Online self-referral systems (yorkandselbyiapt.co.uk)
The referral criteria for York and Selby IAPT can be accessed here.
Fraud in the NHS - What you need to know to protect your surgery
The NHS is an extremely attractive target for would-be fraudsters, and the techniques being used are ever-changing. Nationally, there have been numerous high-profile cases of the NHS being defrauded by organised crime groups, patients, agency workers and sadly, even NHS staff.
Covid-19 has sparked off high numbers of Coronavirus-themed frauds, and the fraud risk to the NHS continues to evolve.
You can find more about the specific risks posed to the NHS by Coronavirus Fraud here: https://cfa.nhs.uk/fraud-prevention/COVID-19-guidance and a full reference guide on the types of fraud affecting the NHS here: https://cfa.nhs.uk/fraud-prevention/reference-guide.
If you have any concerns about fraud affecting your surgery, please contact the Vale of York CCG Local Counter Fraud Specialist, Rosie Dickinson on rosie.dickinson1@nhs.net.
City of York Council Health Trainers – Stop Smoking Service
The CYC Health Trainers – Stop Smoking Service is still operational, providing a 6-8 week package of telephone support for all and 12 weeks for pregnant women, with a specialist advisor. This also includes up to four weeks of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) for all and 12 weeks for pregnant women that is either posted out or hand delivered direct to the clients home. To refer clients please call: 01904 553377 or email cychealthtrainers@york.gov.uk or patients can self-refer to same number, email.
Champix (Varenicline) is currently on hold, through the CYC health Trainer / Pharmacy referral contract. This is due to the current government’s social distancing regulations meaning it impractical to carry out the required CO2 breath testing. Client’s wishing to go onto Champix are being directed to the Health Trainer service for the option of NRT and further support.
Living Well Smokefree (LWSF) Community Stop Smoking Service - North Yorkshire
The Living Well Smokefree service is still operational with support being provided over the phone. Living Well Smokefree offers personalised, one-to-one support over six to 12 weeks which including access to a dedicated Stop Smoking Advisor and a supply of either Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) or Champix. For further information or to refer patients please call 01609 797272 or visit the Living Well Smokefree website.
NHS - 40-74 years old, Health Checks and general Health Trainer appointments (not including stop smoking)
These are currently on hold due the Government’s social distancing regulations and the need for face to face meetings for these to be carried out effectively.